
It is not a battle of muscle but a strategic combat of wits in Horde Invasion this time. Get ready to create your conquer journey NOW!

Start playing

- At the beginning of the game, the player has 100 points. - Players will get extra points/ MAG when winning the battles and vice versa. The number of points/ MAG added or deducted (when losing the battle) will depend on players' current rank

Finding Matches

Hitting the “Find Match” button and the game will automatically pair players with other opponents in the same rank range. If no same-rank rivals are found, players will be matched with those at 1-rank lower or higher.

Kindly note that: Make sure you have enough entry MAG before entering the battle.

Join battle

  • Entering the battle, players can fully observe their Landplots and opponents' shown on the screen. Landplots from the 2 sides are distinguished by their color.

  • Each Landplot has a certain number of troops at the beginning (Please check full details in the Landplot data table above). The number of troops in the Landplot will increase over time and is displayed by the counter on each Landplot.

Play The Game

  • Click on your Landplot and drag to the Landplot you want to occupy or drag to the LandPlot that you aim to fortify the defense.

  • Mongen troops which can be seen as directional moving arrows with fixed movement speed will in turn move to the Landplot you chose.

  • If the number of attacking troops is higher than the number of defenders, you will win and successfully take up that LandPlot. Conversely, if the number of attacking troops is less than the number of defenders, the system will automatically subtract the number of defenders by an amount equal to the number of attackers and keep the attacked Landplot ownership the same.

Winning System

  • The match lasts for 5 minutes. The player taking up all the plots first is the winner.

  • If neither of the 2 players couldn't occupy the entire LandPlot within 5 minutes, the player with the stronger army wins.

  • Only ONE match is allowed at a time for all players.

  • Quite game: If quitting the game, you will lose that match with points deducted and your opponent will win.

  • Note: Make sure you have a strong Internet connection when entering the battle. If there is an unexpected disruption, quickly reconnect to continue if your battle is still on-going.

It is not a battle of muscle but a strategic combat of wits in Horde Invasion this time. Get ready to create your conquer journey NOW!

Last updated